R.I.C. (Reconciling in Christ)Peace Lutheran Church (Gahanna) is an ELCA Reconciling in Christ community:
● Because we are ALL created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26) ● Because Jesus has commanded us to love one another as Jesus has loved us (John 13:34-35, 15:12) ● Because our core purpose is to love God, Neighbor, and Self (Matthew 22:37-39) We at Peace Lutheran Church welcome, love, and include everyone in our community of faith without condition or exception. We value each other in our similarities and our differences, including but not limited to: sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, gender expression, physical or mental ability, race, marital status, age, financial situation, medical condition, citizenship status, ancestry, or religious background. |
The intent of the Affirming Church Directory is to provide an online directory for people so they can locate and visit gay-friendly Christian churches around the world. We list congregations that meet regularly in a physical location for worship, prayer, service, and fellowship.
The intent of the Affirming Church Directory is to provide an online directory for people so they can locate and visit gay-friendly Christian churches around the world. We list congregations that meet regularly in a physical location for worship, prayer, service, and fellowship.