Step 1: Welcome! | Step 2: Ministry & Service | Step 3: Member Expectations | Step 4: Membership Form | Step 5: What's Next
You've completed the online membership process, and are now the newest member(s) of Peace Lutheran Church! Here's what happens next:
- You'll receive a follow-up communication from our staff. She'll help walk you through some ways to get connected with ministries and service opportunities that might be the right fit for you. If you have any questions, you can contact the office at [email protected].
- Within the next few months, you and some of your fellow new members will be asked to appear in a worship service together, so that you can be welcomed and recognized for your commitment.
- If you haven't done so yet, you'll receive an invite to join Realm, Peace's online database and communication network. This will allow you to do things like sign up for automatic giving, register for church events, and receive communications from the ministry groups you're part of.
- Take this opportunity to follow us on social media @peacegahanna, and sign up for Peace2u, our weekly e-newsletter. We hope you'll continue exploring this site, and learn about all the great things going on at Peace. Remember, you can always contact us with any questions you may have. Welcome to Peace!